Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Prompt 69

Hey guys! Once again, I'm going to use this blog for a bit of shameless advertising. :D Check out all the articles I've written for Associated Content. This is currently my only source of income, so the more people who check them out, the better!

For today's prompt, write about a character who lives out their dream. Is their dream to be a rockstar? A movie star? A politician? A rocket scientist?

Monday, March 30, 2009

Prompt 68

Hidey-ho good neighbor! (Bonus points if you know where that's from.) We've gotten a couple more submissions for Inkdrops but we still need more! Come one! Write! Support NaNoWriMo!!! Check out my review of The Warrior Heir.

For today's prompt, write about walking through a haunted mansion. Why are you there? Was it a dare? Are you alone? What's haunting the place? Are you scared?

PSA Alert! The American Family Association wants us to boycott Pepsi products because they're pro-gay. I encourage you to check this out http://www.afa.net/pepsifamilyguy2.html and call Pepsi up and tell them you support them! Pepsi can be reached at 1-800-433-2652. That is all.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Prompt 67

Hey guys! Last night I posted a few of my photos on Associated Content, you should all check them out! I have a picture from last night's thunderstorm and from when I visited Atalaya Castle.

Today's prompt is to write about a teenage character who either gets pregnant or gets someone pregnant. Thanks, Katsuo for the inspiration!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Prompt 66

Hey guys!

Ever read a book that you wish had ended differently? Well here's your chance to change the ending! Today's prompt is to rewrite the ending of one of your favorite books. Kill off a character or two, save a character or two, drop a nuclear warhead on the character's doorstep, just have fun!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Prompt 65

Hey guys! Last night, moonreader and I came up with a name for the collection. It will be called "Inkdrops"  - what do you guys think?

For today's prompt, let's practice our descriptions again. I'll give you three things to describe: a sudden thunderstorm, an old library, and an aging woman. So, take each one and write a paragraph or so describing them. If you feel up to it, create a story using the description.

Okay, I'm going to use this space to recommend a very good fantasy series that isn't as well known as it should be. It's the Heir series by Cinda Williams Chima, the first book of which is The Warrior Heir. I highly recommend this book. It's like Twlight meets Harry Potter, has sex with Artemis Fowl and then does a crap load of crack. Yes, it's that damned good.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Prompt 64

Okay, today's prompt is a poetry prompt! Write a poem about ink. I totally stole this idea from both moonreader's blog (Inklings) and my high school lit mag title (Ink Splattered). So, let those poems come rolling in! (Especially those of you who specialize in poetry. *cough*moonreader*cough*Pandika*cough*)

For those of you who live near Philly (or like to travel) check out this gay rights rally. http://www.nationalequalityrally.com/nationalequalityrally/ I'm probably gonna go with some of my friends.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Prompt 63

Hey guys! Has anybody written anything lately? I haven't heard from many of you guys. =[ We also still need more submissions or there won't be any book! Come on guys! Hop to it and get those stories written and sent in!!

Today's prompt: Write about what happens when a panda gets loose from the zoo! Does it go on a rampage and eat small children? Do they find it roaming around munching on grass in peoples yards? Does it pick up an AK-47 and go on a revenge rampage?

10 nonredeemable points for who ever writes a story called "When Panda's Attack!" and have them wielding a weapon.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Prompt 62

Good afternoon! I'm totally stealing today's prompt from a book I finished reading this morning. (Dead Het Boys - Mark A. Roeder)

While walking through the halls, you come across a boy standing in the middle of the hallway. What's the catch you ask? He's naked and headless.

Have fun!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Prompt 61

Howdy. How is everyone doing today? For today's prompt, start off a story with the sentence "Dude. Those are ovaries." I tried to come up with something random. :D Thank you, Nutella for the inspiration.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Prompt 60

Hey guys! Don't forget, the deadline for submissions in on April 18th! For those of you who are coming late to the party, you can find more information on Prompt 30.

For today's prompt, come up with twenty words that end with "ch" and use all of them in a story. Have a good day, everyone!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Prompt 59

Today's prompt is dedicated to The Trevor Project. Write about a character who is planning on committing suicide. Why are they suicidal? Is someone able to help them?

Remember, suicide isn't the answer. If you're feeling suicidal, please find someone to talk to. There are plenty of suicide helplines you can call. If you need help finding one, feel free to send us a message and we'll try and help you find one. Try to talking to people in your life too, parents, siblings, cousins, friends, teachers, anyone.

EDIT: Okay, I just found this and had to share it. http://barrylyga.com/new/jackasses-attack-library.html You should all watch the video at the end of it. What happend to news reporters giving us facts? When did the news becomes "Give them an overload of your opinion then the facts." It's one thing to have a bit of your opinion slip in there now and then but what Vic Eliason does, takes it too far. Instead of just telling everyone what's going on at the library, he starts off with 5 minutes of saying how wrong and sick homosexuality is.

If any others out there find this wrong, please visit VCY America and tell them to keep their biased opinion out of the news.

This ends today's PSA. (For now...)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Prompt 58

Today, I finished reading Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult. I'm going to borrow a quote from that book for today's prompt. "Everybody will remember him for those nineteen minutes, but what about the other nine million?" I really recommend everyone read that book. It will really open your eyes to what goes on inside our schools. Instead of forcing children to read Great Expectations and other books that are practically meaningless to the majority of the world, they should have to read books like this. Maybe then our would wouldn't be such a screwed up place.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Prompt 57

Hey guys! How are those submissions coming? Don't forget the April 18th deadline is coming up soon!

Today's prompt was suggested by a friend, Zombie, what would you do if you found yourself in the center of a meeting of the mafia, with nothing but knitting needles, some yarn, and a pet rabbit? And you were wearing a police uniform?

(Did MacGyver come to anyone else's mind?)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Prompt 56

Hey guys! RG here, I just got back from my trip to Jersey so I figured I'd do today's prompt! Thanks a bunch to Moonreader for posting a few while I was away. She has even been kind enough to stay on as a prompt poster. :D So now, you'll have more of a variety of prompts.

Since yesterday was St. Patrick's Day, I picked a St. Patty's Day prompt. For St. Patrick's Day, you decide to visit an Irish pub with your friend. During the night, you get involved in a fight. How did the fight start? Who won? Did a leprechaun beat you with a shillelagh?

--Kiss me, I'm Irish.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Prompt 55

Feel free to tell your writerly friends about their chance to get published! 

And now, for today's prompt: write a humourous story about a grammar or spelling mistake that sets off a chain reaction.... 

Monday, March 16, 2009

Prompt 54

I'm in a good mood today, since a wonderful friend of mine gave me some amazing feedback on an essay/story. On that note, your prompt today is.... drumroll please! .... to write a story describing a person you know. In other words, a character sketch that gives the reader a sense of the character. For a nice example, check this out. 


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Prompt 53

Hello, moonreader here, standing in for a few days. You'll all tell Ralph that my prompts are better, right? ;) Just kidding. 

On to today's exciting prompt! Write a story about an act of courage - small or large, important or inconsequential. How do you define courage? Are the people who are considered brave really the most courageous? 

And on that topic, a reminder that you have a chance to be published in a real printed book. Just choose a prompt, write 2,000 t0 10,000 words (or approximately 15 to 20 lines for a poem) and email your finished (edited and proofread) version to rgprompts@gmail.com! For the full guidelines and information, see Prompt 30. The final deadline is April 18th. Have fun, and we look forward to seeing your submissions!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Prompt 52

Hey! I'm now in a crappy hotel in New Jersey. Life doesn't get much better than this.... (Yes, that was sarcastic.) I am so danged tired right now. I woke up at 8AM yesterday and haven't been to sleep yet. Damned parents...

Today's prompt: write about finding a dragon egg. (Yeah, I stole it from Eragon. Sue me.) What happens when it hatches? Does it hatch? Do you pawn it for cash and it comes back to kill you for it? :D

Friday, March 13, 2009

Prompt 51

Good morning! One more day until I fly up to New Jersey for a week! Don't worry, I'll still be posting prompts... (Hopefully I can get a "guest poster" to do it for me... *pokes moonreader*)

Today's prompt is a rather odd one... Serial Killer Tennis. :D We were bored in #NaNoWriMo and started throwing Freddy and Jason at each other and batting them back and forth, thus serial killer tennis. SKT can refer to them playing or them being the "ball". :D Have fun!

"Serial Killer Tennis. What doesn't kill you, will only make you lose points." -- Cattieloves

**10 nonredeemable bonus points for the first person to write a story about SKT involving Freddy and Jason. :D **

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Prompt 50

Look, we're up to 50 prompts! :D I finished a new book last night (well, actually 1:15am this morning) and I thought I'd share it with you. The book is Thinking Straight by Robin Reardon. It's about a boy, Taylor, is shipped off to Straight to God, a place where they claim to be able to cure gayness. Through the scripture, he tries to prove that homosexuality isn't a sin at all. It was a pretty good book, there were some downfalls in it - the IM lingo it used should have been cut out, and there were a few cliches - but over all it was a good read and a few good plot twists too! Oh, and don't forget to be sending in those submissions! We've got a couple, but we need some more! The deadline is April 18!

For today's prompt let's go with something nonfiction, write about your view point on homosexuality. Is it wrong? Is it a natural thing? Should people be more accepting? Is it really a sin? (If you say it's a sin, you better back it up with specific parts in the bible or whatever sacred document your religion uses.) :D

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Prompt 49

Hey! How are you guys doing? I'm seriously adicted to Mark A. Roeder's Gay Youth Chronicles. I think I've spent more money on his books in the past week than I have on anything else. =[ I also found a new blog some of you might like, I'm Here. I'm Queer. What the Hell do I read? It's a cool blog that has books with GBLT teens as main characters.

For today's prompt, write about a character that runs away from home. Where do they go? Why'd they run? Who do they meet along the way? How do they survive?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Prompt 48

Gewd Afternewn. How bees you? I be gewd. I also be bored. Only a couple days until Spring Break! Whoo! I'm going to be heading back up to Jersey again, too. :D I finished another one of Mark A. Roeder's Gay Youth Chronicles last night, and I went to try and get a sample of the next book in the series, only to find out it's not available in Kindle/E-book format. *cries* The rest of the series is though. It's weird that a book in the middle of the series isn't available and the rest are....

Since I've been playing a lot of Mafia Wars on Facebook, I figured I'd used that as today's prompt. Write about the mafia. It can be able being in the mafia, trying to stop the mafia, someone being killed by the mafia, anything. And if you can write a poem about the Mafia, go right ahead...

Monday, March 9, 2009

Prompt 47

Hey guys, how do you like the new layout? I got bored with the old one so I decided to change it :D I also added a quote of the week on the bar to your right. *Has pretty girl in short dress point to it* That will be updated every Monday with a new writing related quote. I'm thinking off adding a couple of ads to the page with Google's Adsense thing. Would you guys mind? (Keep in mind, I retain the right to totally ignore your opinions :D)

Today, I'm working on a couple of book reviews so that's today's prompt. Use a book you either liked or disliked and write a review on it. It can be positive or negative, but remember, book reviews can't be in 1st person.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Prompt 46

Gewd morning all! How are your weekends going? I love this nice warm weather. :D I'm really starting to lose faith in romance novels. =[ Not only did the last one I read have sex every couple pages, but the two main characters had sex in front of a bunch of people in the middle of a clearing. AND a 26 year old "falls in love with" the main characters 14 year old brother. Like, wtf mate?

Today's prompt is another picture prompt. I hope it doesn't scare you too much...


*Grumbles at Moonreader...*

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Prompt 45

Hey guys! I'd like to take this chance and do a bit of advertising for Moonreader. She recently started a blog where she will be posting her poetry, and she'd love to have feedback on them! So, if you're interested in poetry, check out her blog, Inklings.

Okay! For today, I want you guys to write a story where two or more authors fight to the death! 250 nonredeemable points to the first person who writes a story where JK Rowling and Stephenie Meyers fight to the death. :D Have fun guys!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Prompt 44

I see dead people. Not really. I'm just bored and running out of creative ways to say "hello". Since I've been reading the Gay werewolf romance series, today's prompt is going to be from that. Write about werewolves. It can be romance, horror, comedy, erotica, anything. Just make sure it has werewolves in it.

10 nonredeemable points to the first person who writes a poem about werewolves.
**Note** I'd like to thank Moonreader for her poem, Werewolves: a parody. If you'd like to read it, it's currently posted in the comments for today's prompt.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Prompt 43

Greetings! How are my loyal readers doing today? This Amazon Kindle I bought is really starting to kill my wallet. I read about a book a day, so by next month, I'll really be in debt. I love authors who give away some of their books as free e-books. You guys are godly!

For today's prompt, write about a character's first day of school. Whether it be kindergarten, preschool, high school, college, what ever. Pick any grade/year you want! Poem, fiction, nonfiction, whatever.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Prompt 42

*Walks in with a cowboy hat and boots on.* Howdy partner! Can you tell I'm really bored today? I recently found a new series about gay teens called the Gay Youth Chronicles by Mark A. Roeder. I highly recommend this series to anyone, whether they're gay or not. His characters are very real, and I can relate a lot to them. If you get a chance, check them out. Currently, he has the book Someone is Watching available a a free e-book on his website, MarkRoeder.com.

Today's prompt is dedicated to all those who have to struggle with coming out. Write about a family who doesn't react well to their child's coming out. Do they kick them out? Send them to be "cured"? Abuse them?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Prompt 41

First off, why the heck is Daffy Duck in Drew Carey? o.O How is my wonderful world of writers doing today? I come bearing a gift for you all! For those of you who like to write flash fiction (under 1000 words) check out http://www.everydayfiction.com/ they post a new flash fiction every day! They currently only pay a small fee ($3) but you get to see your work published and they give you an Author Page that you can use to promote your writing!

And without further ado, today's prompt! Write about the death of a parent. It can be fiction or non-fiction, and the characters can be any age. You can have a child lose their parent, or you can have an adult lose their parent. It can be due to natural causes, an accident or even murder if you're feeling homicidal.

(I'd also like to thank my Grammar Nazi, Moonreader, for correcting my grammatical mistakes. <3)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Prompt 40

Hey guys! How are all those writings coming? We're now up to 40 prompts! And I've noticed we have a few new people following the blog. Cool Beans.

Today's prompt: When you come home from a Spring Break trip, you find your brother acting weird. After some time, he confides in you what happened. He was molested. What do you do?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Prompt 39

Ohh look, it's March! Happy March everyone! :D It's raining here. =[ What a crappy way to start off the month.

Today's prompt: Just after sitting down to dinner with your family, someone knocks on your door. When you open it, no one is there, instead, there's a baby stroller with a baby in it. What do you do?


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