Word limit: 2,000 - 10,000 words for prose.
12-50 lines for poetry. (These are only guidelines, we will CONSIDER works outside of these ranges, but no guarantees.)
Format: Double spaced, Times New Roman, 12pt font, black. .doc with the file name as your last name. For example, if your last name is 'Moore,' save the file as 'moore.doc.' If you submit more than one piece, please number them. Ex: 'moore1.doc', 'moore2.doc', etc.
Have a cover sheet stating your full name, age, email address, the word count, title of story and prompt used, as well as a short (100-200 word) biography.
We require first publication and electronic rights in English, and the rights revert back to the author upon publication.
All stories must be previously unpublished. Stories published on review websites such as Young Writers Society or personal websites aren't considered published. You may submit more than one piece.
Multiple and simultaneous submissions are allowed! But please, if the piece is accepted somewhere else, let us know.
Please send all submissions to RGPrompts @ gmail.com (without the spaces in between.) Please put the subject as "Submission - TITLE" with TITLE being replaced with the title of the piece you're submitting!
We will try and respond to all submissions within 2-4 weeks after sumbitting.
Submissions close after April 18 @ Midnight PST. Good luck! Feel free to ask any questions here, or email us!
Today's prompt is a little different. Instead of me giving you a scenario to write about, I found a cool beans picture. So, today's prompt is

Hey RG, just dropping by and being very random. I'm a fan of your writing in YWS. They are good, your stories, I mean. Especially the one with a guy picking cash and mistaken for criminal. Also the one that you wrote about the little bro kidnapping. So...I'm thinking about submitting something for the compilation that you're doing. And yes, I do regularly check your prompts only sometimes they are too hard too write (for me). I mean, spiders? come on man. Because I have too many time on my hand and keep surfing the net for nothing in particular, I write this lengthy comment. Yeah, I think I have no life. Seriously in need of one.
Chiao, RG.
I'm glad you like my writings! And I try to mix up my prompts a little bit, this way I don't have 100 prompts about dead people and kidnappings. The spider one was a bit random, but I'm sure at least one person had a little bit of fun with it. =P Please do submit something! It's always nice to see your name in print. =]
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