Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Prompt 63

Hey guys! Has anybody written anything lately? I haven't heard from many of you guys. =[ We also still need more submissions or there won't be any book! Come on guys! Hop to it and get those stories written and sent in!!

Today's prompt: Write about what happens when a panda gets loose from the zoo! Does it go on a rampage and eat small children? Do they find it roaming around munching on grass in peoples yards? Does it pick up an AK-47 and go on a revenge rampage?

10 nonredeemable points for who ever writes a story called "When Panda's Attack!" and have them wielding a weapon.


Jess/Jack said...

When Pandas Attack by Jessica

I broke out of zoo (in which I have no idea why I was imprisoned in the first place) and tossed various small animals such as baby beavers and chipmunks with filed teeth at children and elderly. Everyone in the imediate area who could not defend themselves witha roaming peacock died. I searched but I could not find an AK-47 to kill those remaining so sadly I just had to leave them alone. I would have mauled them if not for my recent dental work... I simply went home, had a snack, and went to bed.

Le End.

Sorry for my retardedness

Ralph Gallagher said...

Leave it to Pandika to write about pandas <3


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