Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Prompt 48

Gewd Afternewn. How bees you? I be gewd. I also be bored. Only a couple days until Spring Break! Whoo! I'm going to be heading back up to Jersey again, too. :D I finished another one of Mark A. Roeder's Gay Youth Chronicles last night, and I went to try and get a sample of the next book in the series, only to find out it's not available in Kindle/E-book format. *cries* The rest of the series is though. It's weird that a book in the middle of the series isn't available and the rest are....

Since I've been playing a lot of Mafia Wars on Facebook, I figured I'd used that as today's prompt. Write about the mafia. It can be able being in the mafia, trying to stop the mafia, someone being killed by the mafia, anything. And if you can write a poem about the Mafia, go right ahead...


Jess/Jack said...

Give me a good guy's name for a mafia member and I will write you some mafia goodness.

Ralph Gallagher said...

Antonio Vivaldo :D

Jess/Jack said...

I could work with that.
Danke :]


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