Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Prompt 41

First off, why the heck is Daffy Duck in Drew Carey? o.O How is my wonderful world of writers doing today? I come bearing a gift for you all! For those of you who like to write flash fiction (under 1000 words) check out http://www.everydayfiction.com/ they post a new flash fiction every day! They currently only pay a small fee ($3) but you get to see your work published and they give you an Author Page that you can use to promote your writing!

And without further ado, today's prompt! Write about the death of a parent. It can be fiction or non-fiction, and the characters can be any age. You can have a child lose their parent, or you can have an adult lose their parent. It can be due to natural causes, an accident or even murder if you're feeling homicidal.

(I'd also like to thank my Grammar Nazi, Moonreader, for correcting my grammatical mistakes. <3)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lovely... but please, please, please edit the post to say "I come *bearing* gifts" and "*due* to," not "do to."

:D Cheers,


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