Friday, March 6, 2009

Prompt 44

I see dead people. Not really. I'm just bored and running out of creative ways to say "hello". Since I've been reading the Gay werewolf romance series, today's prompt is going to be from that. Write about werewolves. It can be romance, horror, comedy, erotica, anything. Just make sure it has werewolves in it.

10 nonredeemable points to the first person who writes a poem about werewolves.
**Note** I'd like to thank Moonreader for her poem, Werewolves: a parody. If you'd like to read it, it's currently posted in the comments for today's prompt.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Werewolves: a parody

Slavering teeth and fearsome claws
Yellow eyes glowing in the black night
Venomous salvia drips from their jaws
As the werewolves howl in the moonlight.

Essence of evil distilled in a canine
Racing across their dark plains
Clad in the dreadful cloak of dark design
The werewolves who dine on the remains.

They hunt down their prey in an inhuman way
They slink around trashcans and skulk by the gate
They’re the product of a mind’s slow decay
The creatures that deranged authors create.


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