Thursday, March 26, 2009

Prompt 64

Okay, today's prompt is a poetry prompt! Write a poem about ink. I totally stole this idea from both moonreader's blog (Inklings) and my high school lit mag title (Ink Splattered). So, let those poems come rolling in! (Especially those of you who specialize in poetry. *cough*moonreader*cough*Pandika*cough*)

For those of you who live near Philly (or like to travel) check out this gay rights rally. I'm probably gonna go with some of my friends.


Unknown said...

:D Guess I'd better go write a poem! Bah on work.

And you have misspelled the first 'cough,' thereby lessening the effect somewhat...

Ralph Gallagher said...

I did no such thing *walks away whistling*


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