Hey guys! Happy Birthday Moonreader! Hope you have fun today! I'm gonna be going to Alligator Adventure today. (It's like a zoo, but with a bajilion alligators.)
Today's prompt, write about a trip to the zoo where all the animals get loose.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Prompt 37
Hey guys! Today is my moms bday :D And tomorrow, our wonderful moonreader has her birthday! Happy birthday guys!
Today's prompt is dedicated to them! Write about a birthday party that goes terribly wrong.
Today's prompt is dedicated to them! Write about a birthday party that goes terribly wrong.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Prompt 36
Heyo! I got my Amazon Kindle today! This thing is totally orgasmic! I love it. It really is like reading a real book. I totally recommend this to all you avid readers out there! It's well worth it.
Today's prompt is to create a 26 sentence story. Each sentence has to start with a different letter though. Sentence one starts with 'A', sentence two starts with 'B', sentence three starts 'C', etc. Have fun!
Today's prompt is to create a 26 sentence story. Each sentence has to start with a different letter though. Sentence one starts with 'A', sentence two starts with 'B', sentence three starts 'C', etc. Have fun!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Prompt 35
Whoohoo! We got a submission. *Huggs b2* I <3 those old men! Come on guys, write! I highly suggest Write or Die for those of you who like to procrastinate ;)
Today's prompt is to write a riddle! It can be any type of riddle you want! Feel free to post them on here, I'd love to read them. Thanks, Moonreader for suggesting today's prompt. I <3 that chicka.
Today's prompt is to write a riddle! It can be any type of riddle you want! Feel free to post them on here, I'd love to read them. Thanks, Moonreader for suggesting today's prompt. I <3 that chicka.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Prompt 34
I'd like to present you, my loyal blog readers, a poem. Written by Katsuo and inspired by mousse.
Gerty and Angus, up in a tree. Whackin' people far as the eye can see. First comes blood, then comes bruises. Then come the lawsuits that Katsuo loses.
Anyways, enough stalling, time for today's prompt. Today's prompt was inspired by a friend. While at home working on some of your homework, you receive a phone call. The caller informs you that both of your brothers are in jail. What happened? What do you do?
Gerty and Angus, up in a tree. Whackin' people far as the eye can see. First comes blood, then comes bruises. Then come the lawsuits that Katsuo loses.
Anyways, enough stalling, time for today's prompt. Today's prompt was inspired by a friend. While at home working on some of your homework, you receive a phone call. The caller informs you that both of your brothers are in jail. What happened? What do you do?
Monday, February 23, 2009
Prompt 33
Hey guys! How are those submissions coming? A couple of you told me I actually inspired you to write something. =] I'm glad I've actually accomplished what I set out to do. It's always nice to know you can help inspire people to write.
Today's prompt is another open genre writing. Write about losing someone close to you. Whether it's a sibling, spouse, parent, child, friend, whatever, just write! It can be a poem, fiction, nonfiction, anything you want it to be. =]
Good luck on your submissions!
Today's prompt is another open genre writing. Write about losing someone close to you. Whether it's a sibling, spouse, parent, child, friend, whatever, just write! It can be a poem, fiction, nonfiction, anything you want it to be. =]
Good luck on your submissions!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Prompt 32
Hey Guys! How are those writings coming? I hope everyone is working hard on writings, rewriting and proofreading their submissions!
Today's prompt is more of an idea. Write about snow. It can be prose (fiction or nonfiction) or poetry. You have free reign with this one. =]
Today's prompt is more of an idea. Write about snow. It can be prose (fiction or nonfiction) or poetry. You have free reign with this one. =]
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Prompt 31
Hey guys! I'm getting ready to go to a haunted church tonight. I'm also tempted to smash my router into tiny little pieces! I hope you guys are working on those submissions. ;)
Today's prompt is also a little different. Today, we have a poetry prompt! This is a poem I learned in Creative Writing I called an 'I am' poem. Continue each line with something about you.
I am
I wonder
I hear
I see
I feel
I want
I pretend
I believe
I touch
I have
I worry
I cry
I laugh
I understand
Today's prompt is also a little different. Today, we have a poetry prompt! This is a poem I learned in Creative Writing I called an 'I am' poem. Continue each line with something about you.
I am
I wonder
I hear
I see
I feel
I want
I pretend
I believe
I touch
I have
I worry
I cry
I laugh
I understand
Friday, February 20, 2009
Prompt 30
Woohoo We've made it to 30 prompts! As promised, I have the specifics for submitting to our collection of short stories!
Word limit: 2,000 - 10,000 words for prose.
12-50 lines for poetry. (These are only guidelines, we will CONSIDER works outside of these ranges, but no guarantees.)
Format: Double spaced, Times New Roman, 12pt font, black. .doc with the file name as your last name. For example, if your last name is 'Moore,' save the file as 'moore.doc.' If you submit more than one piece, please number them. Ex: 'moore1.doc', 'moore2.doc', etc.
Have a cover sheet stating your full name, age, email address, the word count, title of story and prompt used, as well as a short (100-200 word) biography.
We require first publication and electronic rights in English, and the rights revert back to the author upon publication.
All stories must be previously unpublished. Stories published on review websites such as Young Writers Society or personal websites aren't considered published. You may submit more than one piece.
Multiple and simultaneous submissions are allowed! But please, if the piece is accepted somewhere else, let us know.
Please send all submissions to RGPrompts @ gmail.com (without the spaces in between.) Please put the subject as "Submission - TITLE" with TITLE being replaced with the title of the piece you're submitting!
We will try and respond to all submissions within 2-4 weeks after sumbitting.
Submissions close after April 18 @ Midnight PST. Good luck! Feel free to ask any questions here, or email us!
Today's prompt is a little different. Instead of me giving you a scenario to write about, I found a cool beans picture. So, today's prompt is
If the picture doesn't load, you can view it here, http://i44.tinypic.com/2ijnntc.jpg
Word limit: 2,000 - 10,000 words for prose.
12-50 lines for poetry. (These are only guidelines, we will CONSIDER works outside of these ranges, but no guarantees.)
Format: Double spaced, Times New Roman, 12pt font, black. .doc with the file name as your last name. For example, if your last name is 'Moore,' save the file as 'moore.doc.' If you submit more than one piece, please number them. Ex: 'moore1.doc', 'moore2.doc', etc.
Have a cover sheet stating your full name, age, email address, the word count, title of story and prompt used, as well as a short (100-200 word) biography.
We require first publication and electronic rights in English, and the rights revert back to the author upon publication.
All stories must be previously unpublished. Stories published on review websites such as Young Writers Society or personal websites aren't considered published. You may submit more than one piece.
Multiple and simultaneous submissions are allowed! But please, if the piece is accepted somewhere else, let us know.
Please send all submissions to RGPrompts @ gmail.com (without the spaces in between.) Please put the subject as "Submission - TITLE" with TITLE being replaced with the title of the piece you're submitting!
We will try and respond to all submissions within 2-4 weeks after sumbitting.
Submissions close after April 18 @ Midnight PST. Good luck! Feel free to ask any questions here, or email us!
Today's prompt is a little different. Instead of me giving you a scenario to write about, I found a cool beans picture. So, today's prompt is

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Prompt 29
Hey guys! Guess what? Moonreader and I are currently working on putting together a collection of writings based off of these prompts. This collection will be self-published via CreateSpace and will be available for sale though Amazon. We encourage authors to send us in any writings they have based off of these prompts. Tomorrow, I will have a post giving specific information about how to submit to us as well as our guidelines. Submissions will open tomorrow and will end on April 18. All the proceeds from this book will be donated to NaNoWriMo. All submissions must be previously unpublished. Unfortunately, we will not be able to pay authors who are published. The book will most likely be priced at around $10-$15. Both moonreader and I will be submitting short stories we've written based off of these prompts, and a select few writers from #NaNoWriMo have already said they would be interested in submitting writings to us. We're hoping to publish around 12-20 writings. Check back tomorrow for specific submission guidelines!
And on to today's prompt! It's the day before Valentine's day and you're browsing through a chocolate store, looking for something to buy for that special someone. While wondering around the store, you run into an ex-lover.(Figuratively or literally) What happens?
And on to today's prompt! It's the day before Valentine's day and you're browsing through a chocolate store, looking for something to buy for that special someone. While wondering around the store, you run into an ex-lover.(Figuratively or literally) What happens?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Prompt 28
Gewd morning! Well, actually, gewd afternewn! I finished reading Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman last night. And I have no freaking clue what the point of that book was. =\ Darn you Nutella and your weird books!
Today's Prompt: You go to see your doctor for a checkup. After your examination, the doctor gives you some life changing news. What's going on? What is the news? What do you do about the information?
Today's Prompt: You go to see your doctor for a checkup. After your examination, the doctor gives you some life changing news. What's going on? What is the news? What do you do about the information?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Prompt 27
Hi everybody! When I got back from New Jersey, I went to the library to return a book I had borrowed, only to find out that all the books I had requested from other libraries came in while I was gone. So I walked out of the library carrying 5 novels. Yeah, I looked like a nerd. =]
Today's prompt! While hiking through the woods with your friends, so come across an old swimming hole. You all want to go swimming, but you all forgot to bring bathing suits! What do you do? Be sure to describe the area in detail. Describe the trees, the grass, the swimming hole, use this as a piece to practice describing the setting.
Today's prompt! While hiking through the woods with your friends, so come across an old swimming hole. You all want to go swimming, but you all forgot to bring bathing suits! What do you do? Be sure to describe the area in detail. Describe the trees, the grass, the swimming hole, use this as a piece to practice describing the setting.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Prompt 26
Hey guys! I'm back from New Jersey (Thank god!)
Today's prompt! For Spring Break, you and a few friends decide to go skiing. One night, while in your cabin in the mountains, a clown shows up at your door. What's going on?
Today's prompt! For Spring Break, you and a few friends decide to go skiing. One night, while in your cabin in the mountains, a clown shows up at your door. What's going on?
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Prompt 25
Good morning everyone! I've got a little bit of spare time as we pack up to head home.
Today's prompt! When you come home from school (or work) one day you find something strange! Your dog (or cat) can talk! What do you do?
Today's prompt! When you come home from school (or work) one day you find something strange! Your dog (or cat) can talk! What do you do?
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Prompt 23 and 24
Sorry I couldn't post yesterday! Since I wasn't able to post one yesterday, here's 2 prompts for today!
Since a lot of people struggle with description, I figured why not have a prompt that focuses on description. Take these three objects and write a paragraph or so describing them. A rusty swing set, an old sandbox, and a run down house.
Prompt 2! While on a hiking trip with your parents and siblings, a storm hits. You take shelter in a cave for the night and wait for the storm to pass. The next morning, the storm has passed but you've become totally lost. What happens?
Since a lot of people struggle with description, I figured why not have a prompt that focuses on description. Take these three objects and write a paragraph or so describing them. A rusty swing set, an old sandbox, and a run down house.
Prompt 2! While on a hiking trip with your parents and siblings, a storm hits. You take shelter in a cave for the night and wait for the storm to pass. The next morning, the storm has passed but you've become totally lost. What happens?
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Prompt 22
Ugh. After getting here at about 1am and not being able to goto sleep until 2, I am now awake because parents need to be shot....
Today's prompt was suggested by Moonreader! Thanks! Write about a society where people have no thumbs, but are technologically advanced.
Today's prompt was suggested by Moonreader! Thanks! Write about a society where people have no thumbs, but are technologically advanced.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Prompt 21
Hey guys! I'm getting ready to leave on a trip to New Jersey for the weekend. I'm not sure when I'll be able to post prompts, but I'm going to try my best to post one each day.
Today's prompt is.... Write about a typical day, from the point of view of a spider. It should be interesting to read what people write for this one. =P
Today's prompt is.... Write about a typical day, from the point of view of a spider. It should be interesting to read what people write for this one. =P
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Prompt 20
Woohoo! It's our 20th prompt! Anyway, I spent most of last night sulking over a rejection letter. =[ But congrats to Moonreader who won 2nd place in a essay contest and had her essay published! Keep up the good work!
Today's prompt is.... Your father was the only family you had left, when he dies, you're at a loss at what to do. After his death, a mysterious young man shows up at your door. This man turns out to be your elder brother. What do you do?
Today's prompt is.... Your father was the only family you had left, when he dies, you're at a loss at what to do. After his death, a mysterious young man shows up at your door. This man turns out to be your elder brother. What do you do?
Monday, February 9, 2009
Prompt 19
Hey guys! I'm a little late today since my internet provider sucks. After a crap load of procrastinating, I'm now trying to prepare another one of my stories for submission. According to the "guidelines" it needs to be post marked by the 15th of Feb... Someone wanna tell me how you get something post marked on a Sunday? It'd be nice if people actually checked dates before they post them ;)
Enough rambling and on to today's prompt!
While hiking through the mountains in Asia, you come across an ancient Shaolin temple. What happens when you arrive? Are they friendly and welcoming, or would they rather run you through with a sword?
Enough rambling and on to today's prompt!
While hiking through the mountains in Asia, you come across an ancient Shaolin temple. What happens when you arrive? Are they friendly and welcoming, or would they rather run you through with a sword?
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Prompt 18
Hey guys! Yesterday's prompt actually inspired today's prompt. =P I'd love to read what you guys write for these prompts! Feel free to post a link to where ever you have your writing at. (Young Writers Society is a nice place to post your writings. You'll even get feedback from other authors and I may even post some feedback ;))
Sometime in the future lies a world divided. The western world (The Americas) has become dominated purely by heterosexuality, while the eastern world (Europe and Asia) has become dominated by homosexuality. There has always been tension between the two but it is at a boiling point. Write about a World War between Heterosexual America and Homosexual Europe.
Sometime in the future lies a world divided. The western world (The Americas) has become dominated purely by heterosexuality, while the eastern world (Europe and Asia) has become dominated by homosexuality. There has always been tension between the two but it is at a boiling point. Write about a World War between Heterosexual America and Homosexual Europe.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Prompt 17
Good morning everyone! Today's prompt was suggested to me from a friend, so here it is...
With the mass of homosexual couples, the Geneva Convention of 2150 made heterosexuality illegal. How does the human race survive? Artificial insemination? Can same-sex couple get each other pregnant? Is the entire race doomed?
With the mass of homosexual couples, the Geneva Convention of 2150 made heterosexuality illegal. How does the human race survive? Artificial insemination? Can same-sex couple get each other pregnant? Is the entire race doomed?
Friday, February 6, 2009
Prompt 16
Whoops... almost forgot to post today :x I really need to get off my butt and stop procrastinating on these submissions =[ I think I'm up to about 7 submissions currently out with 3 deadlines coming up. Hopefully, at least one of those will be published.
Anyways, today's prompt is.... You're eating breakfast when someone knocks at your door. When you open the door, a person is standing there dressed in armor and is carrying a sword. What's going on?
Anyways, today's prompt is.... You're eating breakfast when someone knocks at your door. When you open the door, a person is standing there dressed in armor and is carrying a sword. What's going on?
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Prompt 15
Helloooo. I'm sitting in my calculus class and I'm super bored so I figured I'd post today's prompt!
Write about being in a car crash. What caused it? What happens after? Be sure to use a lot of detail!
Write about being in a car crash. What caused it? What happens after? Be sure to use a lot of detail!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Prompt 14
Morning! Here's prompt 14! You wake up in the middle of the night to a strange noise. When you look out your window, the school groundskeeper is standing out there with a pair of hedge clippers. Write this scene. What happens next? What's he doing there? (Bonus points if you name him Groundskeeper Willie.)
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Prompt 13
Ugh. It's too freakin early to be awake. I got up at 6:15AM to go get a free grand slam at Denny's. It was good, but it was too damned early.... *Curses friend with her 8AM class...)
Today's prompt! When you come home from work(or school) you find a package on your doorstep. You take the package inside and open it up. Inside the package is a decapitated head. What do you do? Where did it come from? Who is it?
Today's prompt! When you come home from work(or school) you find a package on your doorstep. You take the package inside and open it up. Inside the package is a decapitated head. What do you do? Where did it come from? Who is it?
Monday, February 2, 2009
Prompt 12
Hey guys! I watched the Super Bowl last night, anyone else notice that this year's commercials sucked? There were only a couple good ones. =[ The Mr. Potato Head commercial was my favorite. =]
And now for the prompt! While searching for something in your younger brother's room, you come across a couple sheets of paper with scribbling on them. On closer examination, you discover that these pieces of paper are drafts for a suicide note. What do you do?
And now for the prompt! While searching for something in your younger brother's room, you come across a couple sheets of paper with scribbling on them. On closer examination, you discover that these pieces of paper are drafts for a suicide note. What do you do?
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Prompt 11
Hey guys! Today's the Super Bowl (yawn.) =]
Since everyone has a "perfect" date planned out, I figured I'd use that for today's prompt. Write about a character who lives out your idea of a perfect date. Everyone has a different idea of a perfect date so it'll be interesting to see what people write for this one.
Since everyone has a "perfect" date planned out, I figured I'd use that for today's prompt. Write about a character who lives out your idea of a perfect date. Everyone has a different idea of a perfect date so it'll be interesting to see what people write for this one.
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