Saturday, January 24, 2009

Prompt 03

Even though I should be finishing the short story I started based on yesterday's prompt, I'm once of again procrastinating! Yay procrastination! I also should be finishing up my other stories since I have a couple submission deadlines coming up :x

Anyway, on to today's prompt!

This is a prompt I've used once of twice before myself. Write about walking in on your brother kissing another boy. What do you do? What goes through your mind? Who is the other boy? Or if you want, flip the prompt around, and be the boy whose sibling walking in while he's kissing a boy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is the link to my story. It's written from the POV of a 15-year-old girl who walks in on her brother.

If anyone has a YWS account, feedback is appreciated. :)


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