Saturday, January 31, 2009

Prompt 10

Gewd Afternewn!

Since I just finished reading The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan, I figured I'd use that as a basis for today's prompt. Write about a character who discovers they're the child of a god. It can be any god. Greek, Roman, Catholic, Hindu, anything, you can even make one up if you'd like!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Prompt 09

Hey guys! I'm a little late posting today, but yeah. A few friends and I decided to go out to lunch then we went to the beach. =]

Today's Prompt is.... You and some friends decided to go to an amusement park. Everything was going fine until you go on one of the roller coasters. It breaks down! What happens? Do it stop at the top of a 100ft drop? Does it speed out of control? Do you live through it?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Prompt 08

Ugh. I really don't wanna be awake this morning. It took my 15 minutes before I was able to get out of bed...

Since my last few prompts were on the negative side, I think I'll pick a prompt that's a bit more positive. While cleaning out your garage you find an old antique trunk. You try and move it but realize it's too heavy. You decide to go through everything inside and move the thins separately. As you go through everything you find some old antiques and at the bottom is another, smaller box. When you open it up you're surprised to find $40,000 neatly stacked inside. Write this scene. What antiques are inside? Where did the money come from? What will you do with everything?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Prompt 07

Good morning everyone! It's not even 8AM yet. =[ Apparently my landlord wants to take a bunch of trees out of the back yard so he hired some people to come do it. Yeah. They need to die. The first 2 times they didn't show up and today they show up before 7:30... So yeah, I woke up to people outside my window talking and chainsaws at 7:30.

Anyway! I saw another person post a reply to one of my prompts on Young Writers Society! It's really cool to see how my prompts inspire some people, so keep writing and keep posting your stuff!

Enough babbling time for today's prompt! You're sitting in class when you receive a text message. You open your phone to find a picture of a young woman tied up. A message accompanies this "We have your sister." but wait, you don't have a sister! What's going on? What do you do? Who is this mysterious texter?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Prompt 06

Gewd Morning all! Time for today's prompt! I'm gonna borrow from NCIS a little today. You wake up, only to discover that the person in bed next to you is not only, not the same person you went to sleep with, but they're dead. What's going on?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Prompt 05

Gewd Morning all! I'm in the process of getting ready to go to Bio 101 and figured I'd procrastinate a little and post today's prompt! So here it is!

You wake up and you're tied to a wooden pyre. As you look around you discover you're about to be burned alive by your friends. What's going on? Will you survive? Or is this the end for you? Please post any responses!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Prompt 04

Gewd Morning/Afternoon/Night! Since I've found that a lot of people seem to have trouble writing in the POV of the opposite sex, I figured I'd make that today's prompt!

I'm going to borrow from Writer's Digest for today's prompt. Create a character that has an unusual phobia. Write a scene that causes that character to face his fear. The trick is, you have to write it from the POV of a character of the opposite sex. (If you're male, write from the POV of a female. If you're female, write from the POV of a male.)

Here's what I wrote based on this prompt.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Prompt 03

Even though I should be finishing the short story I started based on yesterday's prompt, I'm once of again procrastinating! Yay procrastination! I also should be finishing up my other stories since I have a couple submission deadlines coming up :x

Anyway, on to today's prompt!

This is a prompt I've used once of twice before myself. Write about walking in on your brother kissing another boy. What do you do? What goes through your mind? Who is the other boy? Or if you want, flip the prompt around, and be the boy whose sibling walking in while he's kissing a boy.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Prompt 02

Hmmm... what should today's prompt be... I think I'll go with something classic.

Write about being stranded on an island. How did you get there? What do you have with you? Will you get off? Where will you get your food? Did you remember to feed the dog before you left?

Here's what I wrote based on this prompt:

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Prompt 01

Alright, since I haven't found too many places that offer decent prompts (that aren't silly and useless) I figured I'd start a small blog for them! So, each day, I'll post a different prompt for either prose or poetry. Any brave writers out there are welcomed to post their responses to the prompts here!

Even though it's late in the day (Like 11pm here) I figured why not start not and put up a prompt, so here it is!

Write about a conversation with a crazy neighbor. The neighbor could be crazy as in wacky, or they could be one of those scruffy guys on street corners raving about the Apocalypse.


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